Interview with Ron Sandison on Faith, Advocacy and Prairie Dogs
Interview with Ron Sandison on Faith, Advocacy and Prairie Dogs
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Do you have a book or podcast club? If so, you may use this discussion guide to facilitate a conversation about this episode.
1) Ron talks about the role of his faith in his life and relates faith to civil rights issues for autistic and disabled people. What role has this played for him? As a fierce advocate, how has his faith strengthened his commitment to advocacy? As a parent, professional, or autistic person, does faith play an important role in your life, and if so, how?
2) Ron gives his mother a great deal of credit for supporting his development as a person. What does he say his mother believed and has done that has allowed him to achieve many accomplishments? Whether you are neurotypical or autistic, have you had a person in your life who has had a similar influence?
3) Ron talks about faith communities, where they stand in supporting autistic people and families, and what additional work needs to be done. Identify two or three takeaways about the importance of faith communities, and the work that is being done and needs to be focused on in creating respectful and inclusive experiences for families and people on the spectrum? Do you have similar experiences if you are actively involved in a faith community?
Ron Sandison works full time in the medical field and is a professor of theology at Destiny School of Ministry. Sandison has a Master of Divinity from Oral Roberts University and is the author of A Parent’s Guide to Autism: Practical Advice. Biblical Wisdom and Views from the Spectrum: A Window into Life and Faith with Your Neurodivergent Child. Ron and his wife, Kristen and daughter, reside in Rochester Hills, MI.
“I was diagnosed with autism at age 7 and later in life as an autistic prodigy. I now speak internationally on autism and founded Spectrum Inclusion which empowers young adults with autism for employment. My story is featured in the documentary film Fierce, Love & Art narrated by Temple Grandin.”
Show Notes
Ron Sandison is an autistic man with boundless energy and who wears many hats. He is an author, speaker, and does ministry work for faith institutions. We speak with Ron about how his mother recognized and nurtured his interests and enthusiasms, the role of faith in his work, and the advice he gives to parents raising autistic children based on his own experiences.
To learn more about Ron: https://www.spectruminclusion.com/