Unmasking and Living Authentically: A Conversation with Dr. Devon Price

Unmasking and Living Authentically:
A Conversation with Dr. Devon Price

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Show Notes

As a trans autistic man, and a social psychology professor, Dr. Devon Price is intimately familiar with issues of masking, and the impact that masking may have on the social and emotional well-being of individuals. In this episode, Devon, Dave and Barry delve deeply into these issues and discusses skills that Devon believes are critical for helping neurodivergent individuals unmask their lives and live more authentically.

Find out more about Devon’s work in his Substack

Get the new book: Unmasking for Life

Listen to Episode 49, where Dr. Price talks about Unmasking Autism. 


Unmasking Autism Devon Price


Devon Price, PhD, is a social psychologist, professor, and author of the acclaimed book, Unmasking Autism. As a proud autistic person and transgender man, his writings reflect both his personal experiences and his published research, which have appeared in journals such as the Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, and the Journal of Positive Psychology. Devon’s writings have appeared in outlets such as the Financial Times, HuffPost, Slate, Jacobin, Business Insider, LitHub, and on PBS and NPR. He lives in Chicago, where he serves as an assistant professor at Loyola University Chicago’s School of Continuing and Professional Studies, and is the author of the best-seller, “Unmasking Autism“. His new book is “Unmasking for Life: The Autistic Person’s Guide to Connecting, Loving, and Living Authentically“.

…and Continue the Discussion

Do you have a book or podcast club? If so, you may use this discussion guide to facilitate a conversation about this episode.

1) Devon’s first book, Unmasking Autism, has been a best seller since it’s publication three years ago.. According to Devon, what has occurred in recent years that has created such demand for greater understanding of masking in the autistic, LGBTQ+ community as well as for all people in our society?

2)  Devon believes that masking is a crucial issue for all to understand, as it might have the same or similar impacts on people outside of the neurodivergent and LGBTQ plus community. why does he believe this to be the case, and what are your thoughts and experiences about the importance of all people examining masking in their own lives?

3) In his new book, Devon identifies “five core skills for unmasking your life”. What are the major points you take away from this discussion, and how does it relate to your experiences or the experiences of people you know?



Matt Savage, courtesy of Savage Records

Matt Savage is an autistic jazz musician, composer, and bandleader. Matt has collaborated with jazz greats like Chick Corea, the Ellington All Stars, Chaka Khan, Wynton Marsalis, Bobby Watson, Clark Terry, Jimmy Heath, Jason Moran, Arturo O’Farrill, John Pizzarelli, Joshua Redman, Terri Lyne Carrington, Jon Faddis, Jerry Bergonzi. Donny McCaslin, and more. He has recorded more than a dozen records and graciously contributes the music for Uniquely Human.

Production and Sound Design


Uniquely Human: The Podcast is produced, engineered, and edited by Elevated Studio in Denver, Colorado. Owned and operated by co-host Dave Finch, Elevated Studio produces digital media assets and content strategies for the electronics, entertainment, and lifestyle industries.